There was an antiques dealer named Albert
Copeland. During the 1960 – 1980 period he spent
about half his time living in Austria and buying
antiques to ship back to America to sell in
shops that he had in Dallas, TX as well as in
Colorado and Maryland. He bought containers full
of very fine antiques, even buying from the
homes of royalty. However one of his most
favorite antiques were the fine antique clocks
that were once found in most homes in Austria,
hanging on the wall, with fine hand carving and
elaborate dials and pendulums and great
mechanical craftsmanship. These were made in
both Austria and Germany.
By the time Albert got to Austria, the country
was rather poor, and many people had sold their
precious clocks to dealers so that they could
buy food. Albert went around the country buying
the clocks he liked the best, the fancy ones
with carvings and pretty dials and pendulums. He
bought ten, he bought 100, eventually over
several years in the 1965 – 1975 period he had
bought over 3000 clocks! These were all wrapped
carefully in newspapers, excelsior (shredded
wood scrap) for padding, and brown wrapping
paper. They were accumulated in a large
warehouse and when there were enough clocks they
would be packed in a large container along with
other antiques and shipped in large boats to his
main antique shop in Dallas, Texas.
Over the years Albert sold quite a few clocks,
but by the time of his death in 2007 he still
had 1800 clocks left in the back of his huge
antique shop in Dallas. More than two-thirds of
them were still wrapped in the brown paper that
they had been wrapped in fifty years earlier
when they were prepared for shipment to America.
is a business in Eureka Springs, Arkansas that
specializes in antique mechanical musical
instruments. Fine large music boxes, carousel
style band organs, coin operated nickelodeons,
monkey organs, phonographs with external horns,
mechanical birds, all kinds of wonderful musical
antiques – you can see their inventory at
Mechantiques is owned by Marty and
Elise Roenigk who have been dealing in antique
mechanical music for some forty years. In
addition to Mechantiques, the Roenigks own the
historical 1886 Crescent Hotel and 1905 Basin
Park Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, and the
1832 War Eagle Mill, a grist mill in Rogers,
Arkansas still operated by its huge waterwheel
on the War Eagle River. The Roenigks love
antiques and they love to preserve historical
buildings – and where better to do that than in
the wonderfully preserved Victorian town of
Shortly after Albert’s death, Marty Roenigk was
approached about buying his estate. This would
involve buying his 24,000 square foot antique
shop in Dallas and all of the contents,
including all of the clocks. The building was
full of fine European antiques. Mechantiques
agreed to a price with Albert’s estate and
purchased his estate lock, stock and clock! We
sold the building, and sold the general antiques
at auctions and a huge estate sale in Dallas.
All 1800 clocks were carefully moved to Eureka
Springs in rented 26 foot trucks driven by Elise
Roenigk and her brother Rick Feutz and one of
the music box restorers, Steve Boehck. Luckily
Mechantiques had a large building in Eureka
Springs where the clocks could be stored while
they awaited unwrapping and cleaning.
The Roenigks had a very good friend named Cindy
who agreed to take on the job of unwrapping all
of the clocks, sorting them out, and slowing
cleaning away the years of accumulated dust and
dirt. Underneath all that were beautiful
virtually perfectly preserved clocks. It was
amazing how wonderful the clocks were, how it
seemed like every one was different, with
wonderful carvings and engravings and embossing.
Over 100 of the clocks are presented on the
www.mechantiques.com website, cleaned and
photographed and individually priced for sale.
As a clock is sold another is brought up to
replace it.
Roenigks thought the story of these clocks was
so unusual that Marty Roenigk came up with a
story about them, and that is how Christina The
Clock was born. At first they thought about
selling the story in the form of a children’s
book. Then they decided to just give the book
away on the internet, and in addition to give
away a few of the clocks – ones that seemed to
have a theme that children would enjoy. In this
way the story of the 1800 clocks would get out
and perhaps a few more of them would be sold to
homes that would appreciate their fine
workmanship and history the same way the
Roenigks appreciate them, and the way their
original families in Austria loved them.
So that is the story of the clocks. Enjoy our
book. We hope you win a clock! And if you don’t,
perhaps you will want to purchase one. We have a
group of ones that are very similar to the
clocks being given away,
you can see them here or if you
want a bigger and rarer example, please go to
Elise & Marty Roenigk |